Baby dies after born bleeding from mouth, nose, less than 2 months after his mother receives her 2nd shot of covid vaccine

A baby whose mother received her second mRNA-1273 vaccine shot during her last trimester of pregnancy, 1 months and 23 days before his birth, was born bleeding from his mouth and nose, and died the day after his birth, according to a recent report to the U.S. government’s Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System from a foreign “regulatory authority.” 

The baby boy was born on the morning of October 6, 2021, after his mother received two experimental mRNA Moderna shots on July 19 and August 13. He was expected on October 15 but was delivered weighing 2,800 grams (just over six pounds, two ounces) in hospital after a labor marked by unstable fetal heartbeat.


VAERS Report #1879991

See also

Baby of ‘fully vaccinated’ mom dies after born bleeding from mouth, nose: VAERS report | marychocomog (

Fully Vaccinated Mother Gives Birth To Baby Bleeding From Nose and Mouth. Newborn Dies Day Later –


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